Episode 39 - Tom and Brandon

Published: May 29, 2018, 10 a.m.


With the arrival of a boarder who uses a wheelchair, Kane and Jason realize they dropped the ball on accessibility a little, and do their best to make arrangements to fix the situation.

Written by Erin Kyan
\\nProduced by Passer Vulpes Productions
\\nRecorded by Kermie Breydon
\\nKane voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne
\\nJason voiced by Erin Kyan
\\nCredits voiced by Roslyn Quin

Cover art by Beau Parsons: https://hellobeau.xyz/

Transcript of this episode: https://www.loveandluckpodcast.com/transcripts-blog/2018/11/9/episode-39-tom-and-brandon
\\nCaptioned video of this episode: https://youtu.be/V0W5bUc2CQ0

Find out more about us at https://loveandluckpodcast.com, and follow @LoveLuckPodcast on twitter, or on Facebook as Love and Luck Podcast.
