Jan Ravens, Viv Groskop and Tiff Murray with music from The Will Barnes Quartet and Aleighcia Scott

Published: May 25, 2024, 5:15 p.m.


Clive is joined by impressionist Jan Ravens (who brings along Liz Truss and Theresa May) chatting about the challenge of developing an impersonation and what happens when the politician who forms part of your act gets the boot...\\nAward-winning novelist Tiffany Murray describes her unusually starry childhood at the residential recording studio Rockfield. It includes a childhood visit from David Bowie and being woken by Freddie Mercury singing "Galileo" - as revealed in her new book My Family and Other Rock Stars. \\nViv Groskop chats about her One Ukrainian Summer a memoir about falling in love and coming of age in the former USSR. \\nThe Will Barnes Quartet and Aleighcia Scott provide the music.\\n \\nPresented by Clive Anderson\\nProduced by Kevin Core
