#22: Life Changes (Raquel Austin)

Published: Sept. 21, 2018, 11:30 a.m.

Imagine a Jewish girl born in Columbia attending a Catholic school, nearly converting, running away to New York, then Chicago, then spending 20 years in Jamaica to start Negril Yoga Center, the first yoga center in Jamaica. Raquel Austin's life story is full of twists and turns and plenty of life changes. She shares her story of following her passion, finding purpose, one foot in front of the the other, one day at a time. Her entrepreneurial drive will surprise you. Even at her age, Raquel is ready to write the next chapter of life changes. Negril Yoga Center is for sale. Check it out online. She is ready to turn it over to the next person who will take it higher. Visit negrilyoga.com In this interview … Life changes ... twists and turns of Raquel Austin The story of Negril Yoga Center Wisdom, looking back on life Find Raquel and Negril Yoga Center online at negrilyoga.com. Recorded: Wed Sep 11; Released: Fri Sep 14, 2018 Interview by Dr. Joel Ying. “People of passion and purpose, doing interesting things, living the present moment.” LivingthePresentMoment.com/podcastshow