188: Getting Beneath the Surface of My Health Issues

Published: Jan. 29, 2024, 5 p.m.

For almost 2 months, I have been dealing with some health issues and it reminds me of how I felt when I was trying to learn how to navigate receiving my bipolar diagnosis almost 10 years ago.



It wasn't until 3 weeks ago that it started to impact me a lot more.... not able to make it through a work out, very low energy, disrupted sleep, abdominal pain, and feeling bloated/uncomfortable eating almost anything.



I have had over 5 doctors appointments these last 7 weeks and a bunch of tests done to come to the conclusion that "everything looks normal."



On 1/22 I underwent a procedure (colonoscopy and endoscopy) where the images showed an inflamed stomach lining in line with gastritis. I was told by my gastro doc that my symptoms line up with IBS and know it will be a journey to get to the root of what actually caused the inflammation in my stomach lining.



This has been frustrating for me considering I thought I was in the best condition health wise of my life... I workout regularly, eat balanced meals, drink my water, have been sleeping great and don't even drink alcohol anymore. The only thing I changed about my lifestyle had been getting back into long distancing running.



I wanted to share what has been helpful on this journey for me just as I always do my best to share what has helped me in navigating life with bipolar. This situation has not been easy on me and I always want to share my reality with you in the hopes that this could help someone.



On a lighter note.... the podcast will be turning 4 years old on 1/31. I wanted to thank you for taking the time to listen, read this and be here. If you haven't already, please leave me a rating or review if you listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. I love you!