Ep #78 - The Power of Believing In Yourself - Own Your Power Success Tip

Published: Dec. 12, 2016, 5:30 a.m.


\\xa0Here\\u2019s some of what you will learn:

  • Anyone that has succeeded in anything has likely had numerous setbacks and failures.
  • People who believe in themselves get back up when they get knocked down.
  • \\u201cWhen you doubt your power, you give power to your doubt.\\u201d - Honore de Balzac
  • You are more powerful than you possibly imagine.
  • Remember to celebrate your wins \\u2013 even the small things.
  • Everything you give your full attention to grows and improves.
  • Focus on positive statements, it\\u2019s critical to your success.
  • Make sure your self-talk is positive.
  • Taking action is a powerful way to help you believe in yourself.
  • "If you hear a voice\\xa0within\\xa0you say\\xa0\'you\\xa0cannot\\xa0paint,\' then by all means\\xa0paint, and that voice will be silenced." - Vincent Van Gogh
  • Make sure your environment empowers you.
  • Anything you put the words \\u201cI Am\\u201d in front of becomes an identity statement.
  • Our need to remain consistent with how we identify ourselves is one of our most powerful needs.
  • When you get knocked down, focusing on your goals will help you push through.
  • Be grateful. There\\u2019s no more powerful emotion on the planet than gratitude.
  • The only way for others to believe in you is for you to believe in yourself first.
  • Stay away from toxic people, they squash dreams.
  • Push yourself, get past your comfort zone. Embrace some uncertainty and live an extraordinary life!
  • Text Rod to 41411 for a FREE copy of my book.

I hope you will join me next week for Your Driving Force Success Tip!

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