Ep #776 - Avoiding The Fatal Mistakes In Multifamily Real Estate

Published: Jan. 3, 2023, 4:31 p.m.


Taylor is a real estate investor who focuses on multifamily and self storage investments. He teaches busy professionals how to build passive wealth with real estate without dealing with tenants, toilets, and termites. His company NT Capital focuses on multifamily & self storage real estate in several Sunbelt markets. To date Taylor has acquired, partnered on, invested in, or otherwise had\\xa0 a hand in over $150 million in commercial real estate.\\xa0


Here\\u2019s some of the topics we covered:


  • Defining Value Add Multifamily Real Estate
  • The Biggest Mistakes In Multifamily
  • The Difference Between Property and Asset Management
  • The Benefit Of Having A Contractor Walk The Property
  • Being Uncomfortable To Attain Your Dreams
  • You Can Always Find a Deal If You\\u2019re Looking



To find out more about partnering or investing in a multifamily deal: Text Partner to 72345 or email Partner@RodKhleif.com\\xa0


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