EP118: Remembering who the F you are

Published: May 8, 2024, 7 a.m.


You weren\'t born to be avarege, you are different. You are here to BIG things and its time to remember just how powerful, strong, courageous and success you are......

Welcome to Life Beyond Limits, this week is a solo riff from me on what is possible when you remember who the F you are

Having gone from a proud non conformist who would bet on herself everyday and never did as she was told - I became a shell of myself trying to fit in a box, do the right things and follow whatever strategy the leading \\u201cexperts\\u201d were telling me to follow at that time. And it sucked!

It literally sucked the creative Em-ness, the joy and fun out of me and I was well and truly lost!

I had totally lost who I was and what made me, ME!

Like me, I know that you are different! I know that you are here to do incredible things and that no one on this planet can do what you want to do, in the way you want to do it!

But I also know that despite knowing this, it\\u2019s vulnerable and sometimes scary to fully own this insanely powerful part of you, especially when the world around you doesn\\u2019t understand your deepest dreams and desires! And as a result we play it down, try and blend in and dilute our uniqueness, our goals, our actions to fit in with those around us.

During this episode I share with you how to tap into the truth that your way is the RIGHT way and when you step into this next level versions on you, make courageous action, make bold decisions, deprersonalise the fear and normalise the lessons you get to see your life and business explode in ways very few get to expeirence!


Rebel Resources:

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It would mean the world to me if you left a review and help me to reach more people.

Have the best week

Big Love

Em xx

