With the parable of the lost sons, Jesus reveals the fatherly heart of God

Published: July 15, 2012, 6 p.m.

b'We'll consider how that revelation unfolds in:\\n<br>1. the request of the younger lost son\\n<br>2. the riotous living of the younger lost son\\n<br>3. the return of the younger lost son\\n<br>4. the reaction of the older lost son<br><br><strong>Time:</strong><br>Morning<br><br><strong>Minister:</strong><br>Rev. W. Bredenhof<br><br>Read <strong>by:</strong><br>Elder L. Bredenhof<br><br><strong>Texts:</strong><br>Luke 15:11\\u201332<br>Luke 15:1\\u201310'