Diving Deep on Databases

Published: Aug. 30, 2021, 7 a.m.


If you have data for your application, you\\u2019ve probably used a database to store it. There are so many types of databases, NoSQL, SQL, graph, etc. Let\'s learn about their benefits and how to use them!



  • [02:08] What types of databases have we used?
  • \\n
  • [03:43] SQL vs. NoSQL
  • \\n
  • [15:52] How to model data
  • \\n
  • [19:20] ORM, SDK, Queries
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  • [24:02] Horizontal vs. Vertical Scaling
  • \\n
  • [27:21] How to choose
  • \\n
  • [30:22] indexes
  • \\n
  • [37:16] Sharding
  • \\n
  • [46:44] Shoutouts
  • \\n





Here is this week\'s transcript
