Episode #056: Swapcast with Grimerica - Tours and Events

Published: Jan. 6, 2021, 5:10 p.m.


Our first \\u201cswap-cast\\u201d with the guys who brought it all together! We recall how the relationships and events initiated back in 2014, and reminisce about the great people that have gotten involved to grow this community of historical curiosity. The Contact at the Cabin tours in southwestern Colorado are reviewed, and future plans are previewed: a \\u201cGrail Mystery\\u201d tour into France and a \\u201cPlato\\u2019s Atlantis\\u201d tour to the Azores Islands. We detail the May trip into the Channeled Scablands of central Washington State with map browsing, photo sharing, and quick listings of the five-day itinerary. RC also provides info on the naming of the podcast, why we\\u2019ve been covering the topics in its first 55 episodes, and teases some of the many projects we\\u2019re working on, alliances we\\u2019re developing, and upgrades we\\u2019re planning as we take this work to the next level\\u2026

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Support Randall Carlson\'s efforts to discover and share pivotal paradigm-shifting information! Improve the quality of the podcast and future videos. Allow him more time for his research into the many scientific journals, books, and his expeditions into the field, as he continues to decipher the clues that explain the mysteries of our past, and prepare us for the future...

Donate to this work thru his Patreon subscription/membership site, and receive special perks: https://patreon.com/RandallCarlson Or make a one-time donation thru PayPal, credit/debit card or other account here: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=8YVDREQ9SMKL6&source=url


http://www.RandallCarlson.com has the podcast, RC\\u2019s blog, galleries, and products to purchase!

T-shirts available here: https://randallcarlson.com/product-category/apparel/

Scablands May REXpedition: http://ContactattheCabin.com/Carlson

Podcast crew email: Kosmographia1618@gmail.com

Info on upcoming trips with Randall and the crew: TOURS@RandallCarlson.com

Offer your time/services/accommodations here: VOLUNTEER@RandallCarlson.com

Add to the expanding library of evidence here: RESEARCH@RandallCarlson.com

Small class lectures "Cosmography 101" from \'06-\'09 on Brad\'s original channel: https://youtube.com/geocosmicrex \\xa0\\xa0\\xa0

Kosmographia logo and design animation by Brothers of the Serpent. Check out their podcast: http://www.BrothersoftheSerpent.com/

Theme \\u201cDeos\\u201d and bumper music by Fifty Dollar Dynasty: http://www.FiftyDollarDynasty.net/

Video recording, editing and publishing by Bradley Young with YSI Productions LLC (copyrights), with audio mastered by Kyle Allen.


Watch the livestream version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-mnWUl45I4

Check on Darren and Graham\\u2019s podcast here: https://grimerica.ca

Upcoming \\u201cContact at the Cabin\\u201d events: http://contactatthecabin.com

Video series of RC with Graham Hancock: https://www.howtube.com/video-series/view?id=39

Brad\\u2019s drone video at Potholes Cataract: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujnEh8YuVbU

Scablands flyover in Google Earth movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQSqcRuHEYE

USGS detailed maps of North America: https://viewer.nationalmap.gov/advanced-viewer/\\xa0

Sedona seminar with Randall: https://www.worldviewzmedia.com/seminars

Highlights from the Oct 2020 \\u201cSouthwest Experience\\u201d: https://www.worldviewzmedia.com/seminars/virtual-roadtrip-randall-carlson-oct-22-25-2020

CBD FROM THE GODS LINK:\\xa0 http://www.cbdfromthegods.com

