S3E14 Advancement featuring K.Bromberg

Published: May 8, 2020, 1:26 a.m.

b'Excerpt from: "Then You Happened by K. Bromberg". You can buy it here. You can find out more about her works at her Website and on Goodreads\\nIf you don\'t know, I\'m on\\xa0Twitter\\xa0 - feel free to say Hi to me there.\\nFind more information\\xa0on my website\\xa0and why not join my\\xa0discord fan server.\\nInterested in sending in a question? Why not upload one to\\xa0Vocaroo\\xa0and DM it to myself or Aly on Discord. Don\'t have Discord? You can also email them direct\\xa0here\\xa0- I\'d love to hear from you.\\nPlease come say hi. See you soon for Season 4.'