Interview with Star Trek Discovery's Noah Averbach-Katz

Published: Dec. 4, 2020, 3:05 p.m.

b'Craig recently had the opportunity to catch up with recent Star Trek: Discovery guest actor Noah Averbach-Katz. He played the Andorian Ryn who debuted in the 6th episode "Scavengers". The discussion covers being a fan getting to work on the franchise, wearing heavy makeup and proposing to Mary Wiseman.\\nShow Notes\\nNoah\'s IMDb page\\nNoah\'s Twitter account\\nCraig\'s reviews of Star Trek: Discovery season 3\\nL\\u2019Orchestra Cinematique\\u2019s cover of the \\u201cStar Trek: Discovery theme\\u201d and their YouTube channel\\nIf you enjoyed what you heard here then please do subscribe to Kneel Before Pod on iTunes, YouTube or any major podcasting app you can think of. If you have any feedback then we\\u2019d love to hear it. You can find us on Facebook and Twitter or just make yourself known in the comments section below.'