Pentaerylthritol Tetranitrate, SR Volleyball and Creation

Published: June 1, 2021, 11 a.m.


What does a Special Response Team, Explosive entry tools and volleyball have to do with creation theory?  You might be surprised this simple yet profound statement:  "Preacher, explosions don\'t build stuff."


DISCLAIMER: The use of "Big Bang Theory" is accommodative language based in the colloquial understanding of the theory rather than it\'s true scientific understanding.  English astronomer Fred Hoyle is credited with coining the term "Big Bang" in a 1949 BBC Radio Broadcast.  It is popularly reported that Hoyle intended the term as a pejorative (although he explicitly denied this).  The "Big Bang" refers to the rapid expansion and not explosion of the universe from a singularity.  The original unnamed theory was formalized by astronomer Georges Lemaitre.  Lemaitre first noted in 1927 that an expanding universe could be traced back to an originating single point (a temporal beginning of time, space and or space time) which he called the "primeval atom" which we now understand as a singularity.  Hubble confirmed through analysis of galactic redshifts the that galaxies were drifting apart and thus had to have had a beginning and therefore the universe was not eternal. This is seen by some to indicate a theistic implication and points to model that would include a creating force for the universe.   


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