I Got Mentally Ready For Today 7 Years Ago, Heres How

Published: June 1, 2024, 11:15 p.m.


It\\u2019s inevitable that you will go through tough, slow growth times in your life. You will feel like you\\u2019re on the right path but the self doubt creeps in. The wins aren\\u2019t coming, you can\\u2019t see the progress and people might even tell you that you don\\u2019t know what you\\u2019re doing. 

Then you drink the brain rotting Kiwi Kola: You can\\u2019t get ahead here, You can\\u2019t buy a house here, There are no good jobs here. 

It\\u2019s all down hill from here and you give up.


Except you didn\\u2019t want to give up.

Neither did I. 

7 years ago I was starting from scratch and the wins weren\\u2019t coming as fast as I thought they would. I thought I knew what I was doing, so why wasn\\u2019t it happening?

Instead of feeding my brain the Kiwi Kola, I gave it a better diet.

This podcast is what I did to combat the brain rot and not quit on my goals and dreams. 

I hope it helps \\U0001f44a\\U0001f3fb

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