Episode 90: Emotional Labor

Published: April 20, 2020, 4 a.m.

This episode tackles topics like when it feels like you have all the power in a relationship, the allure of sex with strangers, and the line between needing to grow and being incompatible.\xa0\xa0\n\nJoin us on Patreon and get an extra episode each week, a back catalog of 100+ episodes, and video!\n\nSUBMIT: justbreakuppod.com\n\nFACEBOOK: /justbreakuppod\n\nINSTAGRAM: @justbreakuppod\n\nTWITTER: @justbreakuppod\n\nBLIND DATE: Stay F. Homekins\n\nOriginal music, recording, and editing by Spencer Wirth-Davis\n\nAdvertise on Just Break Up!\xa0\n\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices