JM 72: RattleMe, Smart Girls and Smart Boys, Ze Frank's Flickr memory game, school tech, and more.

Published: Nov. 15, 2008, 4:39 p.m.


RattleMe, Smart Girls and Smart Boys, Ze Frank\'s Flickr memory game, school tech, and more.


Our guest is Amy Wondany of RattleMe.


Spend: Nintendo DS Smart Girls and Smart Boys Series


Save: Save money on a memory game, use Ze Frank\'s free Flickr memory game instead.


Give: Technology and Your School: What to donate and what not to donate


Audible pick of the week: (This one is just for grown-ups) The Garden of Last Days, Unabridged, By Andre Dubus III, Narrated by Dan John Miller. For a free audiobook, visit


Hosts: Megan Morrone and Leo Laporte


Guest: Amy Wondany


Full show notes available on Megan\'s blog,


The Jumping Monkeys theme is by Paul Minshall.


Bandwidth for Jumping Monkeys is provided by CacheFly.
