JM 55: Saving for College - Starting the college fund, WALL-E, white noise, Spore, and more.

Published: July 19, 2008, 7:52 p.m.


Starting the college fund, WALL-E, white noise, Spore, and more.


Our guest is Jeff Frese of the Freshman Fund.


Spend: WALL-E.


Save: Free White Noise Generator.


Give: Spore Vote


Audible pick: Boots on the Ground at Dusk (My Tribute to Pat Tillman) by Mary Tillman, Read by Mary Tillman . Visit to sign up for your free audio book.


Hosts: Megan Morrone and Leo Laporte


Guest: Jeff Frese


Full show notes available on Megan\'s blog,


The Jumping Monkeys theme is by Paul Minshall.


Bandwidth for Jumping Monkeys is provided by CacheFly.
