The Show Growing Committee: Joe becoming a priest, sex toy merch and Bob the tortoise

Published: March 22, 2024, 3 a.m.

b"Joe is back from the Six Nations! The chairman is joined by co-host Tom and producer Ryan to discuss how to make this shambles of a podcast a worldwide success. They talk about the idea of Joe being the celebrant for a listeners wedding, some x rated merch suggestions and the prospect of getting Daisy's mum on the show at last. Plus, we hear about the newest member of the Marler family, Bob the tortoise, and an update on getting a neon sign for the show. Spoiler, still no neon sign.\\nWe're at the Clapham Grand with Things People Did every month, get your tickets here:\\nIf you would like to be a guest on the show, click here:\\nTo get ad-free and longer episodes on Apple, hit the 'grow the show' button or click:\\nOn Spotify you can subscribe for \\xa31 a week by clicking this link:\\nTo become an official sponsor, go to\\nTo grow the show on socials, look for @thingspeoplepod on Instagram, Twitter and Tiktok\\nSend us your ideas for the show, and questions for Joe and Tom to\\nMusic courtesy of BMG Production Music\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit"