Poles at the Polls: Jewish Political Factions in Interwar Poland

Published: Oct. 29, 2020, 10:30 a.m.

b'With the rise of the Second Polish Republic in the shadow of Versailles, the Jewish minority received citizenship, the right to vote and to politically organize. Jewish political parties became major forces in public life for the first time in the long exile, leaving their imprint on Jewish politics in Israel and worldwide till this very day.\\nThe Zionist parties were primarily represented by the General Zionists and Yitzchak Greenbaum. On the left were the Marxist Poalei Zion and the Yiddishist Socialist Bund combatting anti-Semitism and struggling for the rights of Jewish laborers. Another populist party the Folkspartei, promoted Jewish cultural autonomy. Of course the Agudas Yisroel was established to represent the interests of the large religious communities across the country.\\nWith local kahal and municipal elections, and national elections to the Sejm - the Polish parliament, interwar Jewish politics was fraught with tension and political struggle.\\n\\n\\nSubscribe To Our Podcast on:\\n\\xa0\\nPodBean:\\xa0https://jsoundbites.podbean.com/\\n\\xa0\\n\\nFollow us on Twitter or Instagram at\\xa0@Jsoundbites\\nYou can email Yehuda at\\xa0yehuda@yehudageberer.com'