Hail to the Chief: The Life & Leadership of Rav Eliezer Silver Part I

Published: June 22, 2021, 9:26 a.m.

b"One of the architects or American Orthodoxy and perhaps the greatest Orthodox rabbinical leader in that country of the 20th century, Rav Eliezer Silver (1886-1968) had a decisive impact on Jewish life. Through his communal rabbinical leadership, his national leadership on the American scene, through the organizations which he spearheaded and ran for decades, and of course his myriad efforts on behalf of Eastern European Jewry.\\nHaving studied under Rav Chaim Ozer Grodzinski in Vilna, Rav Yosef Rosen the Rogatchover in Dvinsk and Rav Chaim Brisker in Brisk, he then immigrated to the United States at the peak of the great immigration in 1907.\\nHe'd later be president of the Agudas Harabbonim, founder of Ezras Torah, founder of Agudath Israel of America, founder and president of Vaad Hatzalah and a constant man of action for almost every Jewish, educational and rescue undertaking during his long career.\\xa0\\n\\n\\nSponsored by:\\nWith the New York City election day today June 22, 2021, it\\u2019s time to drop the excuses and VOTE.\\xa0 When it comes to funding for our schools and communities, elected officials pay attention to the people who vote. It\\u2019s simple: If you're not voting, you don't have a voice.\\xa0Make sure you vote on June 22!\\xa0 Have questions or need help with your voter plan? Call or email the Orthodox Union\\u2019s Teach NYS at (646) 459-5162 or email\\xa0frandm@teachcoalition.org. When you vote, elected officials take note.\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\nFor sponsorship opportunities about your favorite topics of Jewish history contact Yehuda at:\\xa0\\xa0yehuda@yehudageberer.com\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\nSubscribe To Our Podcast on:\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nPodBean:\\xa0https://jsoundbites.podbean.com/\\n\\xa0\\n\\nFollow us on Twitter or Instagram at\\xa0@Jsoundbites\\nYou can email Yehuda at\\xa0yehuda@yehudageberer.com"