S3E4: Speed

Published: Feb. 3, 2022, noon

b'That\'s right friends, this week we\'re talking Keanu and Sandy B tearing up the streets of LA in 1994\'s SPEED.\\nWill this "classic" from the past hold up in current times? Tune in to find out!\\nMake sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel as we\'re doing video in season 3!! We\'re having a blast with video, check it out sometime.\\nhttps://youtube.com/channel/UClnj902B3DYwAmT4HDQhe_g\\n--------------\\nWrite us what you want to hear us talk about:\\xa0hello@itholdsup.com\\nFollow us: @itholdsup to vote every week!\\n--------------\\nIt Holds Up is a movie review podcast wherein the three hosts, Jason, Jason, and Jeremy take a look at movies we\'ve loved since the 80\'s and see if they stand the test of time. When it comes to movies and movie reviews, the game is full of reviews for movies coming out now. But what about the classics we watched with our dad\'s back in the 90s? We\'re watching movies from the 80\'s, 90\'s, and 00\'s and putting them through our gauntlet of segments to see if these classics hold up or should never be watched again!'