The Mali Empire: Sundiata And Mansa Musa

Published: July 9, 2018, 4 a.m.

b'This is the second episode in our series on Islam in West Africa.\\n\\nIn this episode, we\\u2019re going to explore the origins of the Empire of Mali. We\\u2019ll also take a look at two of its most popular rulers: Sundiata and Mansa Musa. Sundiata is mostly known through the Epic of Sundiata. While Mansa Musa is mostly known because of his famous Hajj pilgrimage.\\n\\nAfter the show is over, be sure to visit the Show Notes page.\\xa0\\n\\nThe Show Notes are available at\\n\\nHere\\u2019s some of what you\\u2019ll find:\\n\\nThe transcript of this episode\\nSocial media links to follow the podcast\\nLinks to other related resources\\n\\nYou can support the Islamic History Podcast by doing one (or more) of the following:\\n\\nGive a monthly pledge on Patreon (great stuff awaits you if you do)\\nSubscribe on iTunes\\nShare with your friends and family\\n\\nYou can do it all and more on the Show Notes page:'