Gao And Ghana

Published: April 30, 2018, 4 a.m.

b'The first in a series to look at the empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai. In this episode, we will introduce the series and take an in-depth look at the city-state of Gao and the rise and fall of the Ghana Empire.\\n\\nWe\\u2019ll also discuss one of the more complicated and difficult topics in Islam: African Slavery.\\n\\nAfter the show is over, be sure to visit the Show Notes page.\\n\\nThe Show Notes are available at\\n\\nHere\\u2019s some of what you\\u2019ll find:\\n\\nThe transcript of this episode\\nSocial media links to follow the podcast\\nLinks to other related resources\\n\\nYou can support the Islamic History Podcast by doing one (or more) of the following:\\n\\nGive a monthly pledge on Patreon\\nSubscribe on iTunes\\nShare with your friends and family\\n\\nYou can do it all and more on the Show Notes page:'