Bonus: Hassam Munir

Published: Aug. 10, 2020, 4 a.m.

b'Hassam Munir calls himself the \\u201cbrofessor of Islamic History\\u201d, because his goal is to bridge the gap between academia and the general public in the field of Islamic history.\\n\\nBorn in Pakistan, he has lived in Toronto, Canada for the past 20 years.\\n\\nHe completed a BA in\\xa0History and Communication Studies from York University in 2017, and is now pursuing an MA in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern History from the University of Toronto, 2020.\\n\\nHassam is also Public Relations Manager and a research\\xa0fellow at the Yaqeen Institute of Islamic Research.\\n\\nIn October 2017, he was recognized by Heritage Toronto as an \\u2018Emerging Historian\\u2019 in the city.\\n\\nHe has a broad range of experience in the fields of journalism and public history.\\n\\nClick here to read Br. Hassam\\u2019s personal blog.\\n\\nClick here to read Br. Hassam\\u2019s work with Yaqeen Institute.'