3-10: Mecca And Medina

Published: Sept. 4, 2017, 4:30 a.m.

b'Instead of bringing peace, the Umayyad victory at Karbala brings even more instability to the Empire. Now the Muslims of Mecca and Medina are more determined than ever to shake off the Umayyad yoke.\\n\\nIn Mecca, Abdullah ibn Zubayr is quietly building his support. He refuses to openly oppose Banu Umayyah, but everyone knows he\\u2019s up to something.\\n\\nIn Medina, Yazid is quickly losing his grip. Everything he does turns the Muslims of Medina against him even more.\\n\\nAfter the show is over, be sure to visit the Show Notes page.\\n\\nThe Show Notes are available at: IslamicLearningMaterials.com/Medina\\n\\nHere\\u2019s some of what you\\u2019ll find:\\n\\nThe transcript for this episode\\nLinks to the Muslim Podcast of the Week\\nLinks to other related resources\\n\\nYou can support the Islamic History Podcast by doing one (or more) of the following:\\n\\nGive a monthly pledge on Patreon\\nSubscribe on iTunes\\nShare with your friends and family\\n\\nYou can do it all and more at the Show Notes page: IslamicLearningMaterials.com/Medina'