EthHub Weekly #149: Winklevoss consider Gemini IPO, Optimism soft mainnet launch, Fei Protocol joins the algorithm stablecoin mix, Notional offers fixed rate lending, Connext Vector hits main net and an innovative year ahead for Ethereum

Published: Jan. 19, 2021, 6:17 p.m.


On the EthHub Weekly Recap we cover topics from the\\xa0EthHub Weekly Newsletter. In this episode we cover Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss exploring an IPO for their Gemini exchange, Optimism\\u2019s layer 2 solution has a soft mainnet launch with Synethtix, another also stablecoin from Fei Protocol, Notional attempts to bring fixed rates to DeFi, Connext layer 2 bridge goes live on mainnet and a big year ahead for Ethereum.
