Episode 113- Stegosaurus: Natures Ninja

Published: Nov. 17, 2021, 6:59 p.m.

Remember when we were first introduced to Violexx's dad by him appearing out of nowhere and stabbing her in the back with a poisoned dagger? Well if you thought he was a piece of work just wait until you meet her mom!\n\xa0\n\nAre you enjoying the show? Please help us grow and tell someone about it! All episodes are available at\xa0http://www.intelligencecheck.com/\n\xa0\nJoin us on Discord https://discord.gg/EWv8hFn ! We're on Twitter https://twitter.com/IntelCheckDnD, Reddit www.reddit.com/r/IntelligenceCheck/, and Facebook\xa0www.facebook.com/intelligencecheck\xa0. Email us at\xa0intelligencecheckpodcast@gmail.com\n\xa0\nFollow cast members on twitter- Kyle is @overturfKyle1 and Lauren is @HottingerLauren\n\xa0\nHelp support the show on Patreon and get access to exclusive bonus content like behind the scenes discussions and our Season 1 Album! More details at https://www.patreon.com/IntelligenceCheck . And thank you to our patrons listed here http://www.intelligencecheck.com/p/supporter-shout-outs/!\xa0Merchandise is available at tee.pub/lic/18PfY6FQeuc\xa0\n\xa0\nTheme song by Jet 'n' Joby\n\xa0\nLogo designed by Ed Rempfer