Episode 1- The Beginning

Published: Sept. 21, 2017, 3 a.m.

Our premier episode in which we meet our adventurers. Dark pasts are alluded to! A mysterious empire that magically abducts people as a narrative tool is revealed! Dice are rolled very poorly. And an epic quest begins!\n\xa0\nAre you enjoying the show? Please help us grow and tell someone about it! All episodes are available at\xa0http://www.intelligencecheck.com/\n\xa0\nJoin us on Discord https://discord.gg/EWv8hFn ! We're on Twitter https://twitter.com/IntelCheckDnD, Reddit www.reddit.com/r/IntelligenceCheck/, and Facebook\xa0www.facebook.com/intelligencecheck\xa0. Email us at\xa0intelligencecheckpodcast@gmail.com\n\xa0\nFollow cast members on twitter- Kyle is @overturfKyle1 and Lauren is @HottingerLauren\n\xa0\nHelp support the show on Patreon and get access to exclusive bonus content like behind the scenes discussions and our Season 1 Album! More details at https://www.patreon.com/IntelligenceCheck . And thank you to our patrons listed here http://www.intelligencecheck.com/p/supporter-shout-outs/!\xa0Merchandise is available at tee.pub/lic/18PfY6FQeuc\xa0\n\xa0\nTheme song by Jet 'n' Joby\n\xa0\nLogo designed by Ed Rempfer