Maaza Mengiste - Sulla felicita

Published: Aug. 18, 2020, 4:25 a.m.

b'La scrittrice etiope-americana Maaza Mengiste, classe 1974, ha vinto l\\u2019American Academy of Arts and Letters Award con \\u201cThe Shadow King\\u201d (in uscita per Einaudi nel 2021). Ecco il podcast de \\u201cIl compleanno\\u201d, il breve racconto scritto per Vogue Italia. A cura di Elisa Pervinca Bellini

Maaza Mengiste (b.1974) is an Ethiopian-American author who won the American Academy of Arts and Letters Award with \\u201cThe Shadow King\\u201d. Text by Maaza Mengiste, curated by Elisa Pervinca Bellini.'