with logo daedalus

Published: Nov. 10, 2021, 2:50 p.m.

b'Twitter craftsman and novelist/poet/infuriator extraordinaire LOGO DAEDALUS enters the I\\u2019M SO POPULAR apocalypse mall to discuss Asian people, gay people, Karl Marx and, above all else, a thirty second video of a Japanese man on a beach that has touched Chi Chi\\u2019s heart and evoked every last mechanism of the social world. Gender transgression (is it real?), the creation of masculinity (very real), protesting pretty boys, reality television, Sun and Steel, ancient poetry, shapely pectoral muscles and reality in its glistening, slimy shape. Nurunuru\\u2026 shimasenka?\\n\\nFollow Logo on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Logo_Daedalus\\nAnd I\\u2019M SO POPULAR: twitter.com/imsopopularpod \\nimpopular.me\\n\\n(S2.E35)'