ULTIMATE REALITY with aimee terese

Published: Nov. 18, 2021, 11 p.m.

b'ULTIMATE REALITY follows posting starlet + glimmering icon Aimee Terese with Chi Chi as they peril into something called leftism along with John Waters\\u2019 2000 anti cinema epic, CECIL B DEMENTED\\u2026 dreams of a forgone revolution, transgender bathrooms, Marvel moves in the abyss, Bernie Sanders (what is that), monologuing, perversion, sublimation\\u2026\\n\\nFollow Aimee on Twitter: twitter.com/aimeeterese\\nAnd I\\u2019M SO POPULAR: twitter.com/imsopopularpod \\nAnd support I\\u2019M SO POPULAR on Patreon: patreon.com/imsopopular\\n\\n(S2.E36)'