Talksplode #78 - Donny Cates

Published: May 2, 2018, 2 p.m.

b'Thanks to iFanboy patrons, it\'s Talksplode time.\\nFrom deep in the heart of Texas, Donny Cates is Marvel\'s newest go-to writer, behind such titles as Doctor Strange, Thanos, as well as the upcoming Venom, and Cosmic Ghost Rider. But that\'s not all. Behind him, Donny has produced a whole lot of comic book scripts across almost every publisher in comics, including the creator owned Buzzkill, Redneck, and God Country.\\nJosh Flanagan discussed the creator\'s start from running comic book stores, to going to comic book art school, working at Marvel, and finally, deciding to write comics for a living.\\nYou can follow Donny on Twitter to keep up with everything he\'s got going on. Which is impressive\\nTotal Running Time: 01:28:35\\nMusic:\\n \\u201cGive It All"\\n Rise Against\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'