Pick of the Week #49 Batman #657

Published: Oct. 1, 2006, 5:44 p.m.

b'Batman is the topic of discussion as Josh Flanagan\\u2019s doubleheader comes to end.\\xa0Ultimate Spider-Man #100,\\xa0Justice Leage of America #2, all the zany Civil War books,\\xa0Jack of Fables\\xa0and\\xa0Animal Man\\xa0are discussed as well. We also answer listener e-mails and voicemails.\\n\\nRunning Time: 00:58:24\\n\\nPick of the Week:\\n00:01:54 \\u2013 It\\u2019s Josh\\u2019s pick \\u2014 again \\u2014 and it\\u2019s\\xa0Batman #657!\\n\\nComics:\\n00:08:54 \\u2013 Out of nowhere,\\xa0Ultimate Spider-Man #100\\xa0was terrible.\\n00:11:53 \\u2013 Josh and Ron dig\\xa0Justice League of America #2; Conor not so much.\\n00:16:03 \\u2013 There were so many\\xa0Civil War\\xa0tie-ins this week!\\n00:21:36 \\u2013 The lack of Chris Bachalo had Josh and Ron loving\\xa0X-Men #191.\\n00:23:40 \\u2013 Josh recommends\\xa0Jack of Fables #3\\xa0and\\xa0The Trials of Shazam #2.\\n\\nTrade Talk:\\n00:24:56 \\u2013 The first Grant Morrison\\xa0Animal Man\\xa0trade blew Josh away.\\n\\nEmail:\\n00:27:40 \\u2013 Garrett from Temecula, California loves Brittney Marie and wants rock n\\u2019 roll comics!\\n00:30:14 \\u2013 Jeremy from Waldorf, Maryland wants to know about The Foot clan, our 50th episode, and continuity reboots.\\n00:35:15 \\u2013 Ryan is looking for comics on DVD, non-zombie trades, and wants to know what iFanboy thinks of\\xa0Heroes.\\n00:38:50 \\u2013 Scott tries to throw a monkey wrench into our attempt to ask out a cute comic store girl on behalf of one of our listeners.\\n00:40:20 \\u2013 Natalie from Singapore thinks comics are too expensive and that we should stop being bamfs around girls.\\n\\nVoicemail:\\n00:46:06 \\u2013 Sanchez from Queens, New York knows where the hot girls are to be found.\\n00:48:07 \\u2013 Matt from Orlando, Florida wants to know about good comic blogs.\\n\\n\\u2022\\xa0This week\\u2019s iFanboy\\xa0Pick of the Week is sponsored by\\xa0ComicHole.com!\\n\\u2022\\xa0If you have any questions, email us at\\xa0contact@ifanboy.com\\xa0OR you can call us at 1-888-FANBOYS (326-2697) and leave us a voicemail! Be sure to provide your name and where you\\u2019re from!\\n\\nWant to discuss the podcast? Tell everyone what you think on the\\xa0Pick of the Week page for\\xa0Batman #657!\\n\\nMusic:\\n\\u201cLandmine Spring\\u201d\\nQuicksand\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices'