Pick of the Week #39 The Escapists #1

Published: July 16, 2006, 5:44 p.m.

b"Conor Kilpatrick explains his shocking Pick of The Escapists #1, as well as 52 Week 10, X-Men #188, listener e-mail and voicemails. We're going to warn you right now, we think the heat is getting to us\\u2026\\n\\nRunning Time: 00:51:22\\n\\nPick of the Week:\\n00:01:32 \\u2013 The mystery behind Conor\\u2019s pick,\\xa0The Escapists #1\\xa0is explained.\\n\\nComics:\\n00:12:07 \\u2013 We wrap up the other books of note this week, beginning with\\xa052 Week 10.\\n00:15:59 \\u2013 You can\\u2019t avoid talking about\\xa0Civil War, and neither can we with\\xa0Civil War: Front Line #3.\\n00:20:12 \\u2013 And Ron wasn\\u2019t impressed by\\xa0X-Men #188.\\n\\nEmail:\\n00:26:14 \\u2013 Miguel has three questions he needs answered and we\\u2019re up to the task.\\n00:28:33 \\u2013 The iFanboy Relationship hotline is open as Carlos has a problem with comics and his girlfriend and he needs advice.\\n00:32:31 \\u2013 Vince has advice for \\u201cThe Bat.\\u201d\\n00:32:53 \\u2013 Michael demands we answer his question about\\xa0Superman Returns.\\n\\nVoicemail:\\n00:36:13 \\u2013 Mike from Greenwood, South Carolina wants us to go to Heroes Con next year.\\n00:38:07 \\u2013 Nate from Canton, Ohio brings the funny and wants to know more about the music of the podcast.\\nIf you have any questions, email us at\\xa0contact@ifanboy.com\\xa0OR you can call us at 1-888-FANBOYS (326-2697) and leave us a voicemail!\\n\\nNews:\\n00:41:33 \\u2013 SAN DIEGO IS COMING! Check out the\\xa0details of our coverage.\\n00:45:36 \\u2013 The\\xa0Frappr map\\xa0is up to 237 people!\\n00:46:38 \\u2013 Check out our profile on\\xa0Myspace.\\n\\nThis week\\u2019s iFanboy\\xa0Pick of the Week\\xa0is sponsored by\\xa0YouBuyNow.com! SPECIAL for iFanboy listeners \\u2014 Use the coupon code\\xa0ifanboy\\xa0to receive 10% off your first order. Offer good until 07/31/2006!Music:\\n\\n\\u201cRegret\\u201d\\nNew Order\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices"