EP 94 - Heightened Hypocrisy and the Housing Crisis

Published: May 12, 2022, 10 p.m.

b"This week we're discussing the changing dynamics of the war in Ukraine and the international community\\u2019s response along with the insulated world of the media.\\n\\nAlso covered is a recent event we hosted in the Parliament about the criminalisation of migrants and legal discussion the trials of Akif Razuli and Amir Zahiri. A school from Dublin and humanitarian activists all took part in the panel and highlighted the selective humanitarianism of the EU.\\n \\nThe housing crisis in Ireland features in this episode upon a recent virtual visit from Paschal Donohoe to Brussels. We tackle the financialisation of the housing market and explore how investor interests are prioritised over the concerns of the ordinary people.\\n \\nFinally, we touch on the current state of the JCPOA and the other forces at play relating to nuclear weapons in Iran."