Agnez Mo is dope!! Born and raised in Indonesia, this actress/singer has come a long way since releasing her first album at the age of 6. Agnez shares how she started working with the producer of her dreams, moved to L.A., and stays true to herself while working in Hollywood.\n\nIf you enjoyed this episode, make sure to subscribe to @thedivestudios (IT\u2019S FREE) and leave a comment, rating and/or review on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, and YouTube.\n\nEpisodes are presented by @thedivestudios\n\nConnect with us on all social media platforms and at !\n\n#AgnezMo #EricNam #IThinkYoureDope #DIVEStudios\n\n \n\xa0See for privacy and opt-out information.\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit