Your REP speaks loud!

Published: April 19, 2022, 4 a.m.

Proverbs 22:1 "A sterling reputation is better than striking it rich;  a gracious spirit is better than money in the bank.

No one wants to hear the words of someone who has a  reputation of being a liar.

No one wants to be around someone who has a reputation of being arrogant.

And no one wants to share their ideas with someone who has a reputation for finding fault in everything.

One's reputation sets a stage for how they are received and perceived by others.

One's reputation also positions to be blessed in ways unimaginable, as people go above and beyond for those with a good reputation.

Those with good reputations receive recommendations, favor, support, and accolades, they are taken more seriously than most, and granted grace more than most.

The reason the scripture says reputation is better than money in the bank is because money can buy you things at cost, and yes there are times when good deals come along, 

But one’s good reputation gives THEM access to things not for sale, like respect, sincere friendships, doors of opportunity,and unlimited leverage at the most opportune times.

Guard your reputation, work on consistently improving yourself, how you communicate and how show up for others, even those you think whose thoughts  don’t matter. 

Establish a reputation of keeping your word, a reputation for helping the helpless, giving to those in need, encouraging those who have lost hope.

I am thankful we serve a God with such a good reputation, He is a promise keeping God, a God who shows up when no one else will, one who never fails

I encourage you this morning to Invest in the wealth of your very being…. the interest earned is greater than anyTHING money can buy