Your Inheritance Matters: Happy Easter!

Published: April 17, 2022, 4 a.m.

First understand Jesus was born for the sole purpose of being the ultimate sacrifice as payment of our sin debt and  affirming our inheritance.

Jesus lived a sinless life as part of inheritance, that we may have access to untainted wisdom 1 Corinthians 1:26-31  Because of the wisdom of Jesus Christ, we with our imperfect self, we who have fallen short of the glory of God can impact the world, can shift a culture, can walk in dominion if we recognize and embrace the wisdom we have access to through our godly inheritance. 

Jesus faced every challenge we face; ridicule, satanic temptation, false accusations, ill gotten intention presented to him, the list goes on and on, but he held firm on the Word of God so he could provide us as part of our inheritance a living example of righteousness. 

How we live our lives now whether we realize it or not we are setting up an inheritance for our children and children’s children based on the examples we live out. Children pay more attention to what you do, how you act and react than what you say.

Jesus after imparting wisdom, and being a living example of righteousness, told us that upon His death he would send us a helper, The Holy Spirit, to remind us of the wisdom he provided, and of how he faced adversity with godliness. John 14

Then Jesus as part of our inheritance He put us on the board of The Kingdom of God Inc., so that we can go about the business of God and building the Kingdom. Everything up to now are tools to effectively complete the assignment of building the Kingdom of God.  

Jesus provided access to the wisdom needed, set the example, and provided us with help we needed. Matthew 4:18-20.  These men were fishing using ordinary means of getting the job done, until Jesus came and when they began to follow them they embraced a whole new type of fishing.