YOUR EX has too much access

Published: Sept. 21, 2022, 4 a.m.

Although our ex abused us, deceived us, cheated on us, disrespected us, stole from us, and blocked so many blessings from us, we seem to maintain an unexplainable loyalty to him that causes our thinking to stray, our words to go against the Word of God and our actions to degrade your current relationship with Christ.

We say we broke up with our ex but

We still dress to entice him

We still hang out in the places he used to take us, and then we act surprised when he shows ups

The only ones we claim as our closest friends are those who are also close friends with our ex with very few friends who are close to the one you are now in a relationship with.

We claim to love Jesus Christ, to be in a committed relationship with Him, but our ex keeps showing up and we keep letting him in, we keep entertaining him, and our quality time is still being spent with your ex.  

We still enjoy the things our ex promotes,  and his agendas,  instead of spending quality time with Christ and magnifying our relationship with Him.

It’s funny in an everyday relationship scenario, if we were talking to a friend about our their current relationship and their consistent interaction with their EX, we would have no problem telling them “you are going to ruin your current relationship”  And we would completely understand if who they were in a current relationship with just broke it off with them.

Oh but or the grace of God.  In Joshua 24:19 the scripture tells us God is a jealous God.  But although he is not pleased with us still being connected and engaging with our EX, He is not one who will renege on His Word, and He promised to never leave or forsake us.  

And because of the depth of his love for us, an untainted pure love, he will make no attempt to force us to engage with or love Him. Because He is the epitome of love, He understands that sincere love cannot be forced.  So,  He will wait on us to really break it off with our EX and recognize and embrace His love.

Every relationship and every aspect of love hinges on the depth of trust.  You can trust but not love, but a sincere love cannot exist without trust

The biggest mistake on our part is we allow our ex to continue to have access to our hearts, our souls, our actions, and reactions. We waste too much time with what does not have the capacity to love, renew, revive, or sanctify.

We allow our ex, remember,  as professed believers that is Satan to still have so much access to us, not because we are docile enough to trust him, but because of familiarity. 

As we engage and invest in our relationship with Jesus Christ we must remember Proverbs 3:5-7 

 Trust in the Lord with all thy heart; (if you love Him trust Him and only Him) 

and lean not unto thy own understanding (for your own understanding will always find it easier to trust what is familiar).  

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths (God’s love and intentions are clear, undeniable and because He knows all why would not acknowledge Him).  

Be not wise in thy own eyes: reverence the Lord, and depart from evil (means let go completely of your ex, his ways, and his influences).

Let your ex know I am done with you, I am in a new sincere, and loving relationship with Jesus Christ, give me back the keys to my door, and don’t come around here anymore.