Published: Jan. 8, 2023, 5 a.m.

Imagine being in a class and having to take a test, when the test results are returned you discover you’ve failed.  Now imagine being bold and arrogant enough to go to the teacher demanding a higher grade, and blaming the fact failed because you cheated off of your neighbor's paper, and their answers were wrong. 

But then imagine the teacher's response being “well everyone in the classroom had different tests”. Not only would you have revealed your arrogance but you would have clearly shown yourself to be a fool.

That scenario gives divine revelation to 2 Timothy 2:15  which instructs us to study to show thyself approved.

 We as  Christians have become accustomed to just showing up for church, and have the audacity to broadcast our attendance as a badge of honor.

\We show up for the sole purpose of TAKING IN  what the minister who has taken the time to study HAS PREPARED TO SHARE WITH US, mainly because we won’t take the time to study the Word of God for ourselves so we look at church as a quick fix, an alternative way of inhaling the Word of God with little effort. 

Now please don’t get me wrong or blow what I am saying out of context, there is absolutely nothing wrong with going to church, for God calls for us to assemble ourselves.  

What I am talking about is that we need to be uncomfortable with our lack of studying and reading the word of God for ourselves.  We should be uncomfortable with only inhaling the word of God when someone else is exhaling.

We essentially show up to cheat off another’s test.  We depend heavily on the sacrifice of another’s study to bless and help us pass our tests. While never considering committing to studying on our own so that we can pass the tests assigned to us.

In life, there will be tests that will require the fruits of our own labor,  the fruits of our own commitment to studying the word of God, and the fruits of our personal relationship with God.

Your ability to pass these tests lies in your acknowledgment of the word of God being your source of deliverance.