You Too Are Destined For Resurrection

Published: April 4, 2021, 7 p.m.

Understand this while on earth our purpose is tied up in our physical and spiritual resurrection.  When we accept Christ as our Lord and Saviour, we become born again, the old us dies and a new us is resurrected. 

Remember I told you that the Kingdom of God is the highest government in existence and the only one that reaches beyond the grave, when we die our spirit is resurrected and will go before the King of Kings on judgment day, where our eternal destination is then determined based on what we did after our physical and spiritual resurrection on this earth.

The account of Jesus after His resurrection can help to guide us on how we conduct our lives as born-again believers, resurrected in and for the Kingdom of God.

Again every aspect of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection is for us to see His glory and learn from it.  Just as learning with the inability to apply what you have learned is worthless, so is our acknowledgment of the life, death, and resurrection of Christ without the proper adjustments made in our lives, hypocrisy.

In closing let’s review what Jesus did after His resurrection and reflect on what should be our actions and reactions after we have been born again and resurrected as citizens of the Kingdom of God.

Scripture tells us that John 20 that Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and began to weep because she saw that Jesus wasn’t there and she assumed they had moved him to an undisclosed location.  When she turned around Jesus was standing there and said to her, “Woman why are you weeping”, He went on to say “do not cling to me’’ as Mary was wanting to hold onto his physical presence.

I need to say this to some of you after you have been born again and resurrected as a citizen of the Kingdom of God there are going to be some friends, family, and associates who are going to want to cling to the old you.

But as Jesus continued in his explanation to Mary “I am ascending to My father and your father and to My God and your God”.  For those who are trying to cling to who you were before, it’s going to take you proclaiming boldly that you have been resurrected as a new you and are now connected to your father, your God, and committed and submitted to his Kingship.

When Jesus appeared to the other disciples, Thomas was not present, when the disciples told Thomas they had seen the resurrected Christ, Thomas said he would not believe unless he saw for himself the nail-scarred hands, and was able to put his hands into His side, he would not believe Jesus had resurrected.

Like Thomas there will always be folks who will doubt your resurrection and transformation, who will doubt your commitment to sacrifice your fleshly desires for the Kingdom, they will doubt that the old you is truly dead and they will challenge you, test and tempt you.  But know this,  when they see the evidence of the death of your old self and the resurrection of the new you, it will be the scars from the old you and your commitment to God that will be able to be used as a vessel to draw to the Kingdom of God.

And finally, In John 21 Jesus appears to the disciples on the lake and instructs them to cast their nets to the other side of the boat and there they caught an abundance of fish.  Jesus then told them to come onshore and to bring the fish they had caught.  He then invited them to eat with him.

As born-again believers, resurrected in the glory of God, we should also seek to steer people in the right direction, to be a blessing to them, befriend and commune with them.

The principle of Jesus’ resurrection is rooted in sacrifice, servanthood, and sanctification.  We are all destined for resurrection in our lives, and each of us determines whether we receive the “well done” approval seal of God by first accepting Christ in our lives, then allowing the old us to die, as the new us, resurrects as a citizen of the Kingdom of God, w