Women the Jewel in the Treasure of Unity

Published: March 9, 2022, noon

Women often have the fight for recognition, respect and rights, Women fight the fights that out of a love for God, there should be no opponent.

Women are often looked at as a subservient creation in comparison to men.  When God created woman He created her as a needed asset to help man fulfill his God ordained mandate and purpose.

Yes men can survive without the help of women, just as women can survive without the help of  men. But neither can fulfill the mandate of God with our recognizing the power of unity as the treasure that it is. Because only in unity can we be fruitful, only in unity can we multiply.  

Now if the word fruitfulness and reference to multiplying only allows your mind to fixate on reproduction through the act of sexual activity, you have missed the true  mandate of God

Everything we do is to be done for the glory of God and the building of His Kingdom.  Men and women have to think beyond just producing offspring.  As beautiful as children are, God needs more than physical bodies for His Kingdom to grow.

He needs those who can engage the lost, who can stand as teachers, nurturers, and advocates for godly righteousness. This is the broader scope of fruitfulness and the means by which the Kingdom of God will multiply. 

However, in order for this to be effectively accomplished it will require men and women to work together acknowledging in everything, the very things that make them different have to come together like pieces of a puzzle, to ultimately bless the very essence of their purpose, while also giving God glory. 

It's amazing that the very principle God created for our physical attributes mirror the same consistent principle in every other aspect of our existence as well.

Men and women for over 2,000 years have been pegged against each other, divided with one deemed less than. To further support Satan’s agenda the very Word of God has been taken out of content.  Two scripture imparticulur come to mind.  Ephesians 5:22 and 1 Timothy 2:12.  In Ephesians the scripture tells women to submit to their husbands and in 1 Timothy, Paul makes the announcement that he would not permit women to teach or assume authority over man.

Don’t you find it peculiar that God would deem the need to create women as a helper for men, then limit her ability to actually help fulfill His ordained mission.  A bit inconsistent wouldn’t you say?

Well if you are one who believes the Bible is the Word of God and that it is true, then you have to also agree that any inconsistencies outlined in principles are likely due to misinterpretation.  As every inconsistent truth is a lie.

The Bible calls for us to study to show thyselves approved.  Ephesians 5:22 which calls for wives to submit to their husband is preceded by verse 21 which mandates that we submit one to another in the fear of God.

The arrogance of any man to think God’s intention is for him to be a dictator over what God Himself created and gave Him as a gift out of His love for him is almost blasphemous.  

A mindset which can phantom such a thought is spearheaded by demonic influences and is rooted in a spirit of rivalry and conceit and Phillipian s 2:3 address such things as it reads, “do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves”.

The mindset of men and women should be one that men constantly think of women as greater than themselves and women should constantly think of men as greater than themselves. In Ephesians 4:2 “With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love”.
