When The Smoke Clears

Published: March 1, 2021, 11 a.m.

We have all heart that trial comes to make us strong and whatever doesn’t kill us will bless us.  But in the midst of trials and storms, we don’t want to hear that we just want the trials to storm and the sun to shine.

James 1:12 Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.

And if you are going through something right now you really didn’t want to be reminded of that scripture either.  However, There are two, seemingly distinct evidences of salvation, put together in this verse. 

First it says that after someone has stood the test of trials in this life and remained steadfast, then they will receive the crown of life. One evidence of eternal salvation is steadfast perseverance.

Second, it says that the crown of life is promised to those who love God. 

The crown of lie is not given to those who receive the gospel with joy and just are able to endure through the good times and as soon as tribulation and persecution arise they immediately run for the hills or begin to lose faith.

God never promised us that following him would be easy, He promised that He would never leave us that he will turn what was meant to kill around for our good.  So just know when the smoke clears and joy is restored, your testimony will be to and for the glory of God and your steadfastness will be rewarded as it is pleasing to God.
