What is Your Testimony?

Published: Aug. 4, 2021, 10 a.m.

When I was a child being raised in the church, I remember testimony service being a big part of our service.  The role of Christian testimony is often misunderstood.

The testimony of a believer should not be a laundry list or a checklist of failures and successes. A testimony is not about the fulfillment of things we wished for

The only reason for a believer to share a testimony should be part of the framework of a larger story connected to the transforming power that Jesus Christ has on our soul, our heart, and our mind. Outside of such parameters, it's not a testimony but boasting and James 4:16  tells that boasting is arrogant and evil.

As a believer, who is charged to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ we have to keep our testimony free from arrogance and anything that falls contrary to the righteousness of God.  

So let me make it plain, if you have acquired success by taking ungodly paths, that is not a testimony, just your story. A testimony should not be taken as lightly or misrepresented.

In Isaiah 8:16 the scripture tells us to bind up the testimony, in other words, hold it as sacred but why, the scripture goes on to tell us that our testimonies are what is able to seal the teaching of God amongst His disciples. 

 A Christian’s testimony should exalt our walking away from the ways of the world and embracing the righteousness of God.

By definition, the word tes·ti·mo·ny means the evidence or proof provided by the existence or appearance of something, a solemn attestation as to truth.  We walk convinced that the only truth that is undisputable is rooted in the things of God because the Bible tells us that God is truth.

Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

So I urge you this morning to Stop sharing  just your story and tell your testimony, the impact that the blood of Jesus has had on your soul, your mind, and your heart, for it's our testimony that will draw and build the kingdom of God.
