WANTED: New Management

Published: March 4, 2021, 11 a.m.

Proverbs 25:28 A person without self-control is like a house with its doors and windows knocked out.

We live in a time when people profess their own truth, despite the fact that they may conflict with the truth of the Word of God, all to pacify their flesh and stroke their egos.  It has become more important to impress others, fit in or be part of a clique.

People are praised and gain followers for being out of control, for losing control, for breaking laws and conducting themselves in an undisciplined manner. 

What the scripture describes is an abandoned house, exposed to all kinds of rodents, vagabonds and violators.  The longer it remains unmanaged the more the value is depreciated and eventually, as it is unprotected from life weather conditions, the wear and tear begins to eat at the flooring and disrupts the foundation of the entire house.

What I described is the same thing that happens when a person lives their lives out of control.  We have all had some time in our lives where we weren’t at our best, didn’t act our best, didn’t present our best, but God. God stepped in and took over the management of our lives, put our windows back in place, reinstalled our doors, and even put a new coat of paint on us. Never forget the bridge God has brought you over and the stuff he has delivered you from.

As believers, when we seek those who have made their life ritual one of living out of control, allowing their flesh, egos, power, position and money to manipulation their truth of right and wrong,  recognize,  they are lost and so engulfed in an ungodly agenda they don’t even recognize they are lost. 

We need to pray for them,  not ridicule or mock them.  For in faith we know no one is beyond God's reach. Pray for them to be delivered and bought under Kingdom management and that they be extended the opportunity to hear and embrace the word of God. 
