True Devotion - For Those Not Too Sanctified

Published: Aug. 16, 2023, 4 a.m.

Now some of you may be too sanctified for this message this morning.....

.....The word devotion is defined as an enthusiastic form of loyalty, faithfulness and devoutness that goes beyond the surface and taps into the spirit.

God’s devotion to us has never shaken, never been in question, and He has never failed us.

But our devotion to Him is continually shakened, often questioned and when it comes to the true test of devotion we often fail.

And God knowing that we are not perfect being, and also knowing the traps of deceptiveness, and the things in the world that would compromise our devotion, he sent us a word…

 Hebrews 13:5 “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,  “Never will I leave you;  never will I forsake you.”

In that one verse God gives us instruction on how to deal with what He knew would be the primary source that would beckon us to compromise our devotion to Him.  

Look around, pay attention, most of our crimes against one another, and violations of the mandates of God are spearheaded by greed, materialisms and desires of the flesh, as we are never satisfied.  

God reminds us that we have no need to buy into a mentality that nurtures greed, or materialism, for He will never leave or forsake us.  

He, the creator of all things, the one who hung the moon and the stars, the only one who can defy the laws of nature, and bring forth miracles that can change anything in an instant.  

If He has devoted Himself to never leave or forsake us, how and why would we allow our devotion to him to be compromised by going after things on our own, when He is a better provider than we could ever be.

I will tell you why, because our devotion to him has not delved below the surface, our devotion to him has not seeped into our spirits,  our devotion to HIM has not been embraced by our soul. 

That is so evident that we can hear, see and do things and have no reflection of Him or maintain a consciousness that has no correction from him. 

True devotion aligns every aspect of one’s being according to the standard of the loyalty upon which the devotion was established.