To Thine Own-self Be True

Published: Feb. 24, 2021, 11 a.m.

I would like to jump start your day reading to you 2 Corinthians 13:5-8 from the Message translation, in these verses Paul is talking to the member of the church congregation as he says: Test yourselves to make sure you are solid in the faith. Don’t drift along taking everything for granted. Give yourselves regular checkups. You need first hand evidence, not mere hearsay, that Jesus Christ is in you. Test it out. If you fail the test, do something about it. I hope the test won’t show that we have failed. But if it comes to that, we’d rather the test showed our failure than yours. We’re rooting for the truth to win out in you. We couldn’t possibly do otherwise.We don’t just put up with our limitations; we celebrate them, and then go on to celebrate every strength, every triumph of the truth in you. We pray hard that it will all come together in your lives.

I want to stress to you this morning that “to thine own self be true”, in truth there is freedom.  In truth there are no limitations and with truth anything is possible, because God is truth.  We sometimes buy into making excuses,  procrastination, fear and a spirit of unwarranted contentment.  And the only way to steer away from these stumbling blocks is to be extremely honest with ourselves concerning how we are in our own way of our pursuing purpose, how we are our biggest obstacle.

Let’s stop blaming others, let’s no longer use past experiences to justify our idleness, let’s annihilate the spirit of procrastination, and send fear back to the pits of hell from whence it came.  Truth is... the key to accomplishing all that you were purposed for, all that you have dreamed of.

I challenge each of you to begin to write down some uncomfortable truths about yourself that you need to address, then create a plan to deal with them, set  new standards for yourself and continually pray for God to show you, you and show you Him in you.