The War of Fatherhood

Published: June 19, 2022, 3 a.m.

Words of wisdom and a praise playlist for an incredible worship experience:  Happy Fathers Day!!

Parenthood in itself is not easy, but fatherhood is heightened in regards to the role and godly expectation. The godly mantle of fatherhood has absolutely nothing to do with the ability of the loins of men.  

The mantle of fatherhood, embraces and exalts manhood, AND HAS EVERYTHING TO D with a man’s willingness to obey the word of God as he protects, guides, cares and provides for everything which comes through his loins. 

And a real man will find it their heart to father what has come through the loins of another man, as he recognizes that yes God has charged him to be his brother's keeper and to not leave another man's purpose to die on the battlefield.

This brief message is entitled The wars of Fathers.  Fathers in case you didn’t know as a man, as a father as a leader,  God has ordained you to be a  warrior. 

Fathers will continuously be in a war against the trends of this world, but don’t conform to the ways of this Word, 

Fathers will continuously be in a war against their own humanistic mind, but lean not to your own understanding, but  in all your ways, acknowledge God  and he will direct your path

Fathers will continuously be in a war against temptations, temptations of the flesh, temptations that speak to their pockets, and your pride.  There will always be temptation to take what seems to be the easiest solution. 

But know that God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability to resist. God is such a good God that He will always  provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure and be victorious over any temptation. 

God declared that Abraham would be the father to nations and that his offspring would be blessed.  Abraham walked with an unquestionable obedience to God.  Was he perfect, absolutely not.  Abraham’s faith in God weakened and he, like many fathers today, decided to take matters into his own hands and try to put a rush on the promises of God and out of Abraham’s disobedience to God Ishmael was born.  

The real problem with this was that God couldn’t use the lineage of Ishmael which was birthed out of disobedience to honor His Holy covenant.  

Men, please understand this; through the loins of a man greatness is initiated, but greatness can only be sustained and exalted through obedience to God. 

Abraham repented, reassessed his life and got back into alignment with the will and word of God and then God proceeded to honor the promise he made to him.  

Now just pause and think about this for a moment . The ultimate level of greatness God was able to use Abraham to produce.  

When God decided to clothe himself in flesh and walk the earth, it was through the offspring of Abraham that Jesus Christ was born. There is no greater legacy than to be used to bring salvation to the world. 

You can believe Abraham had to fight some wars, while standing on the principles of righteousness when everyone around him worshiped other gods and seemed to be getting all the desires of their hearts.

To remain victorious in battle, yes Abraham had to check and recheck himself and continuously redefine his plans to align with God’s plan.

Real warriors understand that to win, a strategy is crucial. Parents often say children don’t come with manuals, no they don’t come with them in their hands, but there is a manual, there is a strategic plan in place.  The word of God is the manual, the pages that detail God’s strategic plan.