The Stinky Stuff

Published: Aug. 8, 2023, 4 a.m.

Jesus turns to Mary and says “Where have you laid him”.  Mary and Martha, along with those who were there to console them led Jesus to the tomb

Jesus said “Roll away the stone”

It is imperative that you understand that in the Jewish culture at that time, they did not embalm the body of the dead, they would put aromatic spice in the layers and folds of the cloth used to wrap the body.

But as you can imagine over time even the aromatic spices no long would hold back the stench of a dead body.  As a matter of fact, Marther said to Jesus, “Lord by this time there is a stench for he has been dead 4 days”.

Jesus’ response to her was a faith-provoking question, “Did I not say to you that if you would believe, you would see the glory of God”.

What Jesus was essentially saying is your faith has to be able to endure and believe God is able to get past the stinky stuff.

We have to be willing to deal with and get past the stinky stuff in our lives so that the glory of God can be manifested fully.

Now I am not talking about just the stinky stuff that people have done or said to you.  I AM TALKING ABOUT the stinky stuff concerning how you have chosen to deal with failure and disappointment.  I AM TALKING ABOUT dealing with your own stinky stuff, your ungodly attitude, bitterness, your true intentions, and your disregard concerning the wills and ways of God.

All the stinky stuff that we tend to cover up with aromatic spices, with excuses, with blame.  To get to the resurrection of some things in our lives, we are going to have to roll back the stones.  You know that tough persona we have created, that wall of protection, the wall of sarcasm, that wall of pride, jealousy, resentment, and unforgiveness.  We have to roll back the stones and really deal with all the stinky stuff.