The Secret To Being Blessed

Published: Nov. 2, 2022, 11 p.m.

You know sometimes life comes at us fast and hard.  It seems like as soon as we settle one issue another arises.  And in the midst of our personal lives, world issues seem to cause us additional stress.  We find ourselves constantly looking for blessings from God, some form of relief, a restart, or a new path.

What I am here to tell you is that the secret to being blessed is hidden in your desire to be a blessing.  I know you are saying, I don’t have anything to give anyone to be a blessing to them.  For a moment I want you to set aside what the world has us programmed to view blessings as.

Your attitude can be a blessing, your act of forgiveness is a blessing, your words of encouragement are a blessing, and when you invest quality time in helping someone reach their goals that is a blessing. 

God really has no reason to bless us if our lives don't magnify His glory.  God is not into pacifying and gratifying what only pleases us as individuals.

In Hebrews 13:2 the scripture tells us “not to forget to show hospitality to strangers for by doing so some have shown hospitality to angel without knowing it”